Policies & Rules

IMPORTANT: The rules and regulations posted here do not constitute the complete set of Bylaws, Rules, and Regulations of the condominium. New owners receive a copy of the complete Bylaws, Rules and Regulations in their Resale Documents when they purchase their units. Please contact the association office at 703-532-5005 if you do not have a copy, or need to request a replacement. 
The rules and regulations posted below are a sample of those that residents most frequently request, and they are posted as a courtesy. For any questions, or to see a complete set of Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, contact the office at 703-532-5005.
Click on the link to open in PDF format: 
Lease Cap - Term of Lease Note: Owners' of units purchased on or after January 29, 2015 are subject to the "Limitation on Right to Lease Unit" - see Bylaws (linked above) Section 4 (c)(1) on page 17).